Sunday, May 31, 2015

Pictures of 1989: Hunger Strike Continues Amid Sino-Soviet Summit

Hunger Strike Headquarters holds a press conference.

Chai Ling speaks at the press conference.

Chai Ling faints.

Pu Zhiqiang is making a speech pleading for donation.

The scene at Tiananmen Square. (Sitting with a notebook is Philip Cunningham.)

The scene at Tiananmen Square. (Photo by Philip Cunningham)

The scene at Tiananmen Square.

The scene at Tiananmen Square.

The scene at Tiananmen Square.

The scene at Tiananmen Square. The sign says hunger strike has reached 51 hours.

The scene at Tiananmen Square.

The scene at Tiananmen Square.

A new hunger strike is launched at Xinhuamen.

Some students start water strike.

The scene at Tiananmen Square.

Yan Mingfu comes to speak to students directly.

Yan Mingfu offers himself as a hostage for students to end hunger strike.

Yan Mingfu at Tiananmen Square.

The Sino-Soviet Summit.

Deng Xiaoping meets Gorbachev.

Zhao Ziyang meets Gorbachev.

Pictures of 1989

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