Sunday, May 31, 2015

Pictures of 1989: Tiananmen Square on May 18, 1989

Continued demonstration at Tiananmen Square.

Continued demonstration at Tiananmen Square. (Photo by Philip Cunningham)

Continued demonstration at Tiananmen Square.

Continued demonstration at Tiananmen Square.

Continued demonstration at Tiananmen Square.

Continued demonstration at Tiananmen Square.

Continued demonstration at Tiananmen Square.

Continued demonstration at Tiananmen Square.

Continued demonstration at Tiananmen Square.

Continued demonstration at Tiananmen Square. (Photo by Philip Cunningham)

Continued demonstration at Tiananmen Square.

Continued demonstration at Tiananmen Square.

Continued demonstration at Tiananmen Square.

Continued demonstration at Tiananmen Square.

Workers Autonomous Federation makes its first appearance.

Continued demonstration at Tiananmen Square.

Continued demonstration at Tiananmen Square.

Continued demonstration at Tiananmen Square.

Continued demonstration at Tiananmen Square.

Continued demonstration at Tiananmen Square.

Continued demonstration at Tiananmen Square.

Pictures of 1989

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