Tuesday, May 5, 2009

This Day in 1989: May 5, Students Return to Classes, People's Daily Reports Demonstration

Friday, May 5, 1989, was another day of rest and regroup after a big demonstration. Most students were relieved and satisfied with Zhao Ziyang's conciliatory speech and Zhou Yongjun's announcement of resuming classes. The days of demonstrations appeared to be over, although their dialogue petition had yet to be met by the government.

At Peking University, however, debates on whether to resume classes raged on throughout the day. Its Preparatory Committee announced that the issue would be put on a campus-wide vote after public discussion around The Triangle.

On the official press, newspapers were plastered with reports of Zhao Ziyang's speech and its welcoming reactions among the masses. People's Daily even carried a picture of students' demonstration the day before, which was an unusual signal.

Days of 1989

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